
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease. This statement is required by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Thursday, November 1, 2018

Survival RX

Being prepared for extreme weather conditions should include Herbal medicines for backup when over the counter medicines will be hard to get when the power is off, Dr. office is closed and no pharmacy is open.  
Nile Natural Products introduces a new line of products at our Survival RX.
We grow our own organic herbs and make fresh Tinctures, Herbal Supplements, and Essential oils in addition to the finest natural soaps, skin treatments, and Herbal Teas. 
All home grown and hand made using fresh organic ingredients.  Nile Naturals Survival RX.

Friday, October 26, 2018

How To Grow Your Own SHTF Pharmacy

By Tara Dodrill, homesteading and survival journalist and author.

Growing your own SHTF pharmacy, or perhaps more accurately, apothecary, should be near the top of your medical preps. You will not be able to call 911 or rush out to the emergency room during a doomsday disaster, you will be your own first responder. Having a natural apothecary growing on your prepper retreat or bug in location will allow you to treat a host of likely ailments that will affect you and your loved ones.
There is absolutely no reason to wait until the SHTF to start using natural remedies to treat routine medical issues and injuries. Ridding your body of potentially harmful chemicals that are commonly included in over-the-counter medications, salves, and ointments, should help you build a stronger body and help you to become more physically prepared for the demands that will be placed on it during a long-term survival scenario.

Thursday, December 28, 2017

Nile Rootz

I introduced the Nile Rootz Spa Line of soaps during the 2017 Holidays and offered a gift set of 6 soaps which was a way for many to try all the different soaps at a discounted price or give them as gifts at Christmas. These wonderful Spa Soaps are now available for purchase individually at my ETSY store. Listed below is some information about the new Nile Roots Spa Soaps.

-Bentonite Clay Bar This clay bar deep cleans to remove impurities also helps detoxify the skin while it gently exfoliates leaving skin soft and silky. Its toning action revitalizes the complexion and tightens pores restoring the skin's natural pH. Suitable for all skin types, including: eczema, psoriasis, acne. (Glycerin, Bentonite Clay, Green Clay, Shea Butter, Avocado Oil, Fragrance) ____________________________

-Coffee Cappuccino Bar A Mild exfoliating bar improves circulation, leaving you with smooth, glowing skin. The Buttermilk is an effective skin lightening agent, lactic acid helps in softening and brightening skin, acting as a natural remedy to dark spots, the oatmeal and honey adds maximum moisturizing to the skin. ( Glycerin, Buttermilk,Oatmeal, Honey, Calandula Extract, Coffee Beans, Fragrance) ______________________________________________________________
-Citrus Lemongrass Bar All natural detergent free glycerin based soap with natural orange peel, smells lightly of sweet blood orange and tangerine which is a rich natural source of A, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6 and vitamin C, which rejuvenates the skin, helps with brown spots an uneven skin tone. (Glycerin, Shea Butter, Orange Peel, Lemongrass essential oil) ______________________________________________________________
-Cucumber Melon Bar All natural detergent free glycerin based soap. Contains cucumber peels which contains silica, which firms up sagging skin. hydrates and soothes with vitamins B and C. (Glycerin, Shea Butter, Cucumber, Fragrance) ______________________________________________________________
-Mineral Salt Bar The active ingredients in our Dead Sea mineral salt soap works with the added natural oils to deeply cleanse and remove dirt and impurities. Formulated so as to not upset the delicate natural pH balance of normal to dry skin, this soap will leave your skin feeling refreshed and revitalized. (Glycerin,Mineral Salts,Peppermint and Lavender EO, Mint and Citrus extracts) 
-Oats & Honey Bar Dry skin welcomes Buttermilk, Oats and Honey. This bar has rich creamy bubbles and a milk Honey almond fragrance. Excellent for aging skin. (Glycerin, Buttermilk, Oatmeal, Honey, Calendula Extract, Honey Almond Fragrance) _______________________________________________________________

Visit www.nilenaturalproducts.com

Sunday, October 30, 2016

Butter is good for your skin.

The origins of butter go back thousands of years to when our ancestors first started domesticating animals. In fact, the first written reference to butter was found on a 4500- year old limestone tablet illustrating how butter was made.
In India, ghee (clarified butter) has been used as a staple food, and as a symbol of purity, worthy of offering to the gods in religious ceremonies for more than 3000 years.

Benefits of Ghee made from organic Butter 

  • Ghee makes your skin glow
  • Locks moisture in your skin, and thus it protects your skin from getting dry.
  • Is a great source of Vitamins E and K.
  • Contains anti-oxidants that protect against free radical damage.
  • Rich in the most easily absorbable form of Vitamin A
  • Contains lauric acid, important in treating fungal infections and candida

Nile Natural Products now uses all natural organic Ghee in the new 
Big Mama's Butter and Herb Soap which will be made available for sale this fall. 

This soap promises to be the best for winter dryness 
and eczema skin conditions. All Natural, no fragrance, which makes this soap great for sensitive skin, children, and aging skin that needs more moisturizing. 

My Grandmother made soap in the 1940's and raw natural butter was used to make the best soap for our skin. More on this story in the next post.  

Monday, August 29, 2016

Top five reasons to use goat's milk soap
Friday, June 14, 2013 by: Lance Johnson

Consumers are becoming more aware of the chemical mass production of commercial body care products that are loaded with synthetic ingredients. Possibly a symptom of an economy looking to cut costs, body care products like soap and deodorant have moved away from being "personal care" products to being personally destructive, cancer-causing silent killers. From containing hormone disrupting phthalates and poisonous triclosan, to harboring heavy metals and toxic surfactants, many mass-produced body care products have become utterly dangerous. As consumers become more aware, many people are now switching to all natural, organic products. One natural body care product that's gaining attention is goat's milk soap. Here are the five wonderful benefits of using goat's milk soap versus commercial sodium lauryl sulfate blends.

Five good reasons to start using goat's milk soap

1. Delays signs of skin aging:

Goat's milk soap delays signs of skin again due to its high content of alpha-hydroxy acids such as lactic acid. Alpha-hydroxy acids break down dead skin cell bonds, removing dead skin cells from the skin's surface and leaving behind new cells on the surface that appear smoother and more youthful.

2. Not a chemical counterfeit:

Water-based soaps on mainstream supermarket shelves use harsh chemical acids to break down dead skin cells. The lasting effect of chemical acids on the skin is more similar to a chemical "burn." Alpha hydroxyl acids found in goat's milk, work with skin instead of breaking it down and aging it further.

3. Anti-inflammatory properties:

Goat's milk reduces skin inflammation due to its fat molecule content. The cream present in goat's milk is a moisturizer, soothing dry and damaged skin, possessing an anti-inflammatory effect.

4. Loaded with essentials:

Goat's milk is packed full of essential nutrients and vitamins like vitamin D, C, B1, B6, B12, and E, that feed the skin and are absorbed into the body.

5. Treats acne:

Studies now show that goat's milk is effective for treating acne and skin conditions. This is primarily because goat's milk has anti-bacterial properties that delay the growth of microbial organisms that spur the spread of acne.

Avoid sodium lauryl sulfate

A 1983, a report from the Journal of The American College of Toxicology blamed sodium lauryl sulfate concentrations as low as 0.5 percent for causing skin irritation. Further studies showed that concentrations of 10-30 percent were found to cause severe skin corrosion. The "Household Products Directory" of the National Institutes of Health lists over 80 products that contain sodium lauryl sulfate and sodium laureth sulfate with concentrations up to 30 percent. These high concentrations not only affect the skin's outer layers, but are absorbed into the biggest organ in the body, the skin, and stored in tissues.

Sodium laureth is now commonly used in place of sodium lauryl, but it can be even more dangerous. Laureth cannot effectively be removed from the liver. Laureth can be stored stored in tissues and promote toxicity for a person's entire lifetime, draining them of energy.

These chemical soaps are popular mainly because of price, but they aren't worth the negative, long-term draining of energy. Many consumers are finding it more important than ever to spend the extra dollar here and there to assure they have what is natural and pure, for their body and for the environment. Small farmers and manufacturers of all natural products are the future for a population which seeks to survive, healthily, happily.

Sources for this article include:





Friday, July 22, 2016

Bentonite clay and Tea Tree essential oil

I'd like to share a Natural alternatives to antibiotics for an abscessed tooth.

Mix a teaspoon of clay in a small cup with warm water until you have a thick paste. Never use metal to mix, as this will destroy the “charge” of the clay.

Add one or two drops of tea tree oil and mix well. Apply to the gum between the gum and cheek, and be careful not to swallow it. You can put a small square of gauze over the clay to keep it in place. This can be left on for as long as you’re willing to have a chunk of clay in your cheek!
Then with a Q-tip apply tea tree oil directly to the swollen gum daily. 
Why does this work?
1. Bentonite clay has amazing drawing properties, draws out toxins.
2. Tea Tree is a natural antiseptic and anti-inflammatory.
Abscesses can be just under the gum and not involve the tooth at all, or they can be deep under the gum at the root of a tooth. The length of time for treatment would completely depend on how serious the abscess is. Something mild might completely clear up in a few days, but a serious infection could take daily treatment for several weeks.

Order 100% Calcium Bentonite Clay from Nile Natural Products