
These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended diagnose, treat, cure, mitigate, or prevent any disease. This statement is required by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.

Wednesday, August 26, 2015

Global Mamas – A Fair Trade Organization

“Fair trade” means that an equitable partnership exists between producers of goods in developing countries and retailers in developed countries.

The fair trade approach supports a variety of social business practices that advocate for higher standards in regards to producers’ pay, work atmosphere and environmental protection, among others. Fair trade partnerships work to provide otherwise marginalized artisans and farmers with a living wage.

The Global Mamas network of producers has grown from six founding members in 2003 to nearly 600 producers living in nine communities.

Prosperity is Financial Security

The steady work that the women in the Global Mamas community receive ensures that they are earning a living wage for their community and are fully employed. This stability gives the Mamas the confidence to know that they can cover their basic living expenses, invest in their children's education and even contribute to savings accounts to put toward future dreams.

At Nile Naturals we believe in Fair Trade and purchase our ingredients from Ghana Africa and support the women in Africa who work at the coops as they build financial independence.

Tina Payne.
Owner, Nile Natural Products

Monday, August 24, 2015

When you're accustomed to doing things the way you always have, you may not see why you would want to switch up your routine. But once you compare the benefits of natural health and beauty products to the way things used to be done, however, you'll see why you would want to adopt a new, natural lifestyle with health and beauty products that can help you look and feel great.
Why Use Natural Beauty Products:

  1. -Earth-friendly: Products made from conventionally produced ingredients can have a negative environmental impact. The manufacturing of chemical-heavy health and beauty products puts those chemicals, and many more, into the air and water, and even more go down your drain in your own home. When ingredients for natural health and beauty products are farmed and manufactured organically, fewer chemicals are put into the air and water.
  2. -Avoid irritation: Chemicals, artificial colors, and fillers in skin care products and makeup can cause redness, irritation, and breakouts. Many people are even allergic to chemicals commonly found in conventionally produced products. Natural makeup, skin care products, and body products work with your skin instead of against it.
  3. -Save your nose: Artificial fragrances are designed to cover up the smell of other chemicals used in traditional health and beauty products. The effect is that you have a chemical to cover up another chemical, and all those chemical smells can cause headaches in many people. Natural health and beauty products smell like their natural ingredients, not a cocktail of chemicals. Natural health and beauty products scented with natural essential oils can even provide aromatherapy.
  4. -No strange side effects: Parabens are used in conventionally produced health and beauty products as a preservative to extend the shelf life of products. Parabens, however, are synthetic and mimic your body's natural hormones. Many people worry that this can alter the functions of your body's endocrine system. Artificial ingredients like parabens may help a product do one thing well, but there could be possible side effects that are still being uncovered. Natural health and beauty products use natural preservatives, such as grapefruit seed extract, that won't affect your body. And while some people have allergies to a few natural ingredients (lanolin, which comes from wool, is an allergen for some) the effects are much more understood than the ones from synthetic ingredients.
  5. -Gentler over time: Many natural products work better than their conventional counterparts because they don't contain unnecessary fillers or irritants. And while some unnatural products may seem to work better with the first try, over the long-term, the harmful chemicals that made your skin feel cleaner or your hair feel smoother may actually cause damage.