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Friday, October 26, 2018

How To Grow Your Own SHTF Pharmacy

By Tara Dodrill, homesteading and survival journalist and author.

Growing your own SHTF pharmacy, or perhaps more accurately, apothecary, should be near the top of your medical preps. You will not be able to call 911 or rush out to the emergency room during a doomsday disaster, you will be your own first responder. Having a natural apothecary growing on your prepper retreat or bug in location will allow you to treat a host of likely ailments that will affect you and your loved ones.
There is absolutely no reason to wait until the SHTF to start using natural remedies to treat routine medical issues and injuries. Ridding your body of potentially harmful chemicals that are commonly included in over-the-counter medications, salves, and ointments, should help you build a stronger body and help you to become more physically prepared for the demands that will be placed on it during a long-term survival scenario.